Ketu by Denis McCauley (Tenui)

Programs: L-System, Vue d'Esprit (+ Xaos, Fractal Explorer, The Gimp for textures)

The statue was created from an L-System fractal exported to Vue d'Esprit. The conversion created an object in 11 layers, each of which could be individually resized, moved and oriented on 3 axes to give the final figure. The wood texture was created from a mix of a classic wood texture with a Xaos fractal. The vegetation, apart from the trees (which are Vue d'Esprit stock), were created from L-System fractals with textures from Xaos and Fractal Explorer 2d images. The L-system objects are in fact groups of objects; l-system files quickly become too large to import into 3d programs, so I used fairly simple forms and some mutations on these to create the groups. The rock forms are Vue d'Esprit fractal terrains.

2nd Annual Fractal Contest 2002
FAME Fractal Art Museum Enterprise
Copyright © 2002; All rights reserved to the Artist

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